What to Wear: Summer
The end of summer is very close, so take advantage of summer fashion now! Before we know it, everyone will be covered up head to toe, so show some skin while you still can. August and September are super humid, so staying cool with your clothing is essential. Even though fall is so close, this is the hottest time of year!
This Fashionista looks cool and sophisticated in her summer look. From the vibrant patterned shorts to the basic black tank top, she’s ready for any occasion. She’s casual enough to soak up the sun, but dressy enough to go out with friends. Her casual sandals also balance with the dressy earrings and necklace. This outfit is very versatile, which is important for college students.

The materials of her clothing are cool enough for any summer temperatures as well. The arms are completely exposed, which is perfect for humid days. The natural cotton material of the shorts is lightweight and breathable. During this time of year, it’s a good idea to stay away from thick materials and clingy fabric. The strappy sandals will keep her feet cool and sweat marks are avoided with the patterned shorts and dark top. If shorts and tank tops get boring towards the end of summer, try new patterns and colors. Overall, this Fashionista looks comfortable and fabulous for summer.
One Simple Change: Having a casual day and want to go out? Swap the tank top for a crop top and the sandals forflats. This will transition your outfit from day to night!